Wednesday, May 15, 2024
09/03, 10:03

2023 Our Ocean Conference in Panama

Theano Kalapothatakou, Co-publisher & Editor of ELNAVI magazine attended the Ocean Conference PANAMA 23 as honored guest of Mrs Julie Lymberopulos Ambassador of Panama in Greece and had the opportunity to meet with distinguished members of the Panamanian government to discuss the latest shipping developments.
In addition she attended the handover ceremony to the Greek delegation as Greece will host the conference in 2024.

Ocean Panama 2023 conference, created a space for collaborative dialogue between heads of state, the private sector, civil society, and academic institutions to discuss how people can save their marine resources, promote sustainable use, and educate the public about ocean. Most importantly, brought attention to the critical importance of the implementation of well-connected systems of effective area-based management measures, including Marine Protected Areas, the development of the global blue economy and proposing innovative solutions to address marine pollution. This conference was held at a time when Climate Change, Marine pollution and the devastation of marine life has reached increasingly alarming levels due to the detrimental actions of mankind. The Conference was built around the commitment of different governments, businesses, and civil society to urge action that may enact policies that will promote and protect ocean’s health. Commitments are voluntary, measurable, impactful actions with a clear timeframe toward a clean, healthy, and productive ocean.

ELNAVI Newsletter  
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